Thursday, May 21, 2009

more Thursday

After breakfast with the President, and visiting the MOA (Ministry of Agriculture), we headed back to our place to regroup a bit, and then to LOIC to pick up George, then we headed downtown to meet with the MOA minister for Margibi County, then crashed a cocoa sector strategy meeting, then headed back to LOIC to meet Craig from IRD. We spent quite a bit of time there, talking through the project. We then toured the facility again so Craig could decide if he wanted to have an office there too. Here’s a photo of what might possibly be my office. George tells me it can be renovated in a 3-week time frame! Thursday night we met with a representative from Grand Bassa County (where Gladys is from) to discuss agricultural infrastructure needs there. And here is one of my favorite photos from the trip: this is what happens when you leave Abee alone in the car with the camera! (If you look closely you can see his smirk – I just love it!).