Greetings from Holland! It’s 8 in the morning here, 1 AM back in Wisconsin, and no we did not plan to be here. Let’s just say that we were caught in a stream of unfortunate events and are feeling pretty lucky to be here and leaving shortly for Brussels.
It’s amazingly painful to fly into some place you’ve always wanted to visit and not be able to leave the airport! But we only have a 2 hour layover – clearly not long enough to make an actual visit possible even if you don’t mind pushing it. I’m a tad more missing-flight risk-averse than normal after our mo
st recent scafuffle, so I’ll just content myself with watching the tourist-attraction video clips and the occasional Vincent van Gogh Museum shopping bag floating by. Mustafa got no sleep on the flight over, and I only got a bit so am still pretty tired – hopefully we’ll be able to sleep on the Brussels-Monrovia flight…