Friday, August 7, 2009

vis a vis apropos of nothing

7/30 - last ditch effort from Angela:
Wondering if you have any word of time frames or updates on the project at all? I'd like to be able to communicate with my employer about the realities of where the project is at, so any information about the process or current status would be greatly appreciated.

Hope you're adjusting well and are staying somewhat dry! I've heard that it's been one of the sunniest rainy seasons on record?

8/7 - response from Richard:
As in earlier messages, all I can report is that IRD still does not have a signed project or a final budget with USDA. As before, the practicalities of delivering on the various commitments we have vis-a-vis the potential donor have required us to revisit the budget. Production of the biscuit and beverage are feasible, but more expensive than originally estimated.

You should not make any definite plans until IRD has final word from the donor and until IRD would make final arrangements with all possible partners. Our primary requirement vis-a-vis the donor is to find practical ways to deliver on all the list of commitments we have, as best we can with the funds approved, and I should flag again if approved. IRD does not yet have this information.

Thank you and kind regards,

So that's that (for the foreseeable future)! I still have my job at ThedaCare; I still haven't sold anything major, and now all that remains is to get my head back in the game here - once I've figured out what that is and which team I'm on!